From August 31st to September 2nd, 2018, a total of 66 people, including applicants for the DeSET 2nd term document open call for participants and the 1st term adopted team, gathered for the 1st term interim announcement and the 2nd term team formation training camp. It was conducted.
August 31st (Friday): First interim announcement, input
The first day started at 13:00. After the applicants gathered and gave a greeting from the organizer, the first phase adopted team made an interim presentation.
After that, after a comment, input was made by outside guests. Here, the Nippon Foundation, the Institute for Ocean Policy, and SKY Perfect JSAT talked about the current state of seafloor topographic map creation, the importance of acquiring ocean information from an academic perspective, and the ability of large companies to support project promotion. ..
Then, a short presentation was given by the second applicant. Various specialties and technologies such as drone boat, artificial intelligence, underwater communication, concrete 3D printer, ship IoT, super pressure resistant resin, biologging, etc. were introduced, and it became an opportunity to think about multiplication with each other at the social gathering after that.
September 1st (Sat): Team formation, planning
On the second day, we spent the whole day in a thorough discussion to form a super-interdisciplinary team. From 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, we held discussions to create an approach that combines each other's strengths, with a change of seats for discussions and an interview with a communicator on the way. Three people raised their hands in the “Leader Declaration” to become the leader of the team application.
After the team declaration, we gathered around the representative candidates of each team to promote further discussions and even formulated the outline of the development plan.
September 2nd (Sun): Team presentation
To conclude the training camp, three teams gave presentations on development visions and plans. Feedback was given to future planning through questions and comments from the organizers and guest companies.
Schedule after training camp
The team formed at this training camp will proceed with discussions toward the team application by October 12.